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Hunting Season: October – February
B&C Score: Between 150-159 Gross B&C

We want our hunters to take the very best gold level whitetail deer they possibly can. We spare no expense supplementing with quality proteins and enriched minerals to maintain deer body weight and promote trophy class antler growth throughout the year. As most people know it gets rather warm in south Texas during the summer months. For that reason, we have 25 water troughs and 7 dirt tanks to ensure our ranch animals remain healthy through the summer.

Dead Man’s Pass Ranch and Lodge is under the authority of a Level 3 Managed Lands Deer Permit in South Texas. The MLDP allows us to have the state’s most flexible seasons and bag limits for hunting whitetail deer. A Texas Hunting license is required but use of your whitetail Deer hunting license tag(s) are not required on whitetail deer harvested under the authority of this permit; therefore, county and statewide bag limits do not apply to individual hunters hunting on our south Texas ranch.

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