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2 deer; doe, spike or cull buck*
Add 1 Whitetail doe onto an already booked hunt for an additional $895
*At Ranch's Discretion
Combo Meat Hunt (Whitetail, Axis, or Blackbuck doe): $2,095 for 2 does. The species of does to be harvested are at ranch’s discretion and availability. Only max of one doe per species for a total of 2 does.
We want all our whitetail deer hunters to take the very best whitetail they possibly can. 2 whitetail deer; whitetail doe, whitetail spike or cull whitetail buck can be harvested on our south Texas ranch. Dead Man’s Pass Ranch is under the authority of a Level 3 Managed Lands Whitetail Deer Hunting Permit. The MLDP allows us to have the state’s most flexible whitetail deer hunt seasons and bag limits. Hunting license is required, but use of your hunting license tag(s) are not required on deer harvested under the authority of this permit; therefore, county and statewide bag limits do not apply to individual hunters.

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